Linux 内置命令是内置于 shell 中的命令,很像内置于墙中的书架。与标准 Linux 命令存储在 /usr/bin 中的方式不同,你不会找到它们的独立文件,你可能使用过相当多的内置命令,但你不会感觉到它们与 ls 和 pwd 等命令有何不同。
内置命令与其他 Linux 命令一样使用,它们可能要比不属于 shell 的类似命令运行得快一些。Bash 内置命令包括 alias、export 和 bg 等。
正如你担心的那样,因为内置命令是特定于 shell 的,所以它们不会提供手册页。使用 man 来查看 bg,你会看到这样的东西:
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$ man bg No manual entry forbg
判断内置命令的另一个提示是当你使用 which 命令来识别命令的来源时,Bash 不会响应,表示没有与内置命令关联的文件:
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$ whichbg $
另一方面,如果你的 shell 是 /bin/zsh,你可能会得到一个更有启发性的响应:
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% whichbg bg: shell built-in command
bash 提供了额外的帮助信息,但它是通过使用 help 命令实现的:
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$ help bg bg: bg [job_spec ...] Move jobs to the background.
Place the jobs identified by each JOB_SPEC in the background, as if they had been started with `&'. If JOB_SPEC is not present, the shell's notion of the current job is used.
Exit Status: Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs.
$ help GNU bash, version 5.0.3(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) These shell commands are defined internally. Type `help' to see this list. Type `help name' to find out more about the function `name'. Use `info bash' to find out more about the shell in general. Use `man -k' or `info' to find out more about commands not in this list.
A star (*) next to a name means that the command is disabled.
job_spec [&] history [-c][-d offset][n] or histo> (( expression )) if COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; [ elif CO> . filename [arguments] jobs [-lnprs][jobspec ...] or jobs -> : kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigsp> [ arg... ] let arg [arg ...] [[ expression ]] local [option] name[=value] ... alias [-p][name[=value] ... ] logout [n] bg [job_spec ...] mapfile [-d delim][-n count][-O ori> bind [-lpsvPSVX][-m keymap][-f filen> popd [-n][+N | -N] break [n] printf [-v var] format [arguments] builtin [shell-builtin [arg ...]] pushd [-n][+N | -N | dir] caller [expr] pwd [-LP] case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) > read [-ers][-a array][-d delim][-i> cd [-L|[-P [-e]][-@]][dir] readarray [-d delim][-n count][-O o> command [-pVv] command [arg ...] readonly [-aAf][name[=value] ...] or> compgen [-abcdefgjksuv][-o option][-> return [n] complete [-abcdefgjksuv][-pr][-DEI] > select NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMA> compopt [-o|+o option][-DEI][name ..> set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP][-o option-n> continue [n] shift [n] coproc [NAME] command [redirections] shopt [-pqsu][-o][optname ...] declare [-aAfFgilnrtux][-p][name[=va> source filename [arguments] dirs [-clpv][+N][-N] suspend [-f] disown [-h][-ar][jobspec ... | pid . <p>'> test [expr] echo [-neE][arg ...] time [-p] pipeline enable [-a][-dnps][-f filename][nam> times eval [arg ...] trap [-lp][[arg] signal_spec ...] exec [-cl][-a name][command [argumen> true exit [n] type [-afptP] name [name ...] export [-fn][name[=value] ...] or exp> typeset [-aAfFgilnrtux][-p] name[=va> false ulimit [-SHabcdefiklmnpqrstuvxPT][li> fc [-e ename][-lnr][first][last] or> umask [-p][-S][mode] fg [job_spec] unalias [-a] name [name ...] for NAME [in WORDS ... ] ; do COMMANDS> unset [-f][-v][-n][name ...] for (( exp1; exp2; exp3 )); do COMMAND> until COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done function name { COMMANDS ; } or name (> variables - Names and meanings of som> getopts optstring name [arg] wait [-fn][id ...] hash [-lr][-p pathname][-dt][name .> while COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done help [-dms][pattern ...] { COMMANDS ; }
从上面的清单中可以看出,help 命令本身就是内置的。
你可以通过向 help 命令提供你感兴趣的内置命令名称来获取关于它们的更多信息,例如 help dirs:
Display the list of currently remembered directories. Directories find their way onto the list with the `pushd' command; you can get back up through the list with the `popd' command.
Options: -c clear the directory stack by deleting all of the elements -l do not print tilde-prefixed versions of directories relative to your home directory -p print the directory stack with one entry per line -v print the directory stack with one entry per line prefixed with its position in the stack
Arguments: +N Displays the Nth entry counting from the left of the list shown by dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero.
-N Displays the Nth entry counting from the right of the list shown by dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero.
Exit Status: Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs.
ZSHBUILTINS(1) General Commands Manual ZSHBUILTINS(1)
NAME zshbuiltins - zsh built-in commands
SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS Some shell builtin commands take options as described in individual en‐ tries; these are often referred to in the list below as`flags' to avoid confusion with shell options, which may also have an effect on the behav‐ iour of builtin commands. In this introductory section, `option' always has the meaning of an option to a command that should be familiar to most command line users. …
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bg [ job ... ] job ... & Put each specified job in the background, or the current job if none is specified.
bindkey See the section `Zle Builtins' in zshzle(1).
break [ n ] Exit from an enclosing for, while, until, select or repeat loop. If an arithmetic expression n is specified, then break n levels instead of just one.
Linux 内置命令对于每个 shell 都很重要,它的操作类似特定于 shell 的命令一样。如果你经常使用不同的 shell,并注意到你经常使用的某些命令似乎不存在或者不能按预期工作,那么它可能是你使用的其他 shell 之一中的内置命令。