May 0321:41:26 mysqld[2412]:2020-05-0321:41:26140328136861440 [Warning] Host name '' could not be resolved: … not known May 0402:00:46 mysqld[2412]:2020-05-042:00:46140328436418304 [Warning] IP address '' has been resolved to the host name '2…ss itself. May 04 03:01:31 mysqld[2412]: 2020-05-04 3:01:31 140328436111104 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary fai…resolution May 04 04:03:06 mysqld[2412]: 2020-05-04 4:03:06 140328136861440 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or ser… not known May 04 07:23:54 mysqld[2412]: 2020-05-04 7:23:54 140328435189504 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known May 04 08:03:31 mysqld[2412]: 2020-05-04 8:03:31 140328436418304 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known May 04 08:25:56 mysqld[2412]: 2020-05-04 8:25:56 140328135325440 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable. Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
方法 3:如何使用 MySQLAdmin 命令在 Linux 上检查 MySQL/MariaDB 数据库的正常运行时间
它用于创建数据库、删除数据库、设置 root 密码、更改 root 密码、检查 MySQL 状态、验证 MySQL 功能、监视 mysql 进程以及验证服务器的配置。
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# mysqladmin -u root -pPassword version
mysqladmin Ver 8.42 Distrib 5.7.27, for Linux on x86_64 Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Server version 5.7.27 Protocol version 10 Connection Localhost via UNIX socket UNIX socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock Uptime: 1 day 10 hours 44 min 13 sec