alias chrome="/Applications/Google\\ Chrome" alias chrome-canary="/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary" alias chromium="/Applications/"
$ chrome --headless --disable-gpu --repl [0608/] Type a Javascript expression to evaluate or "quit" to exit. >>> location.href {"result":{"type":"string","value":""}} >>> quit
// Optional: set logging level of launcher to see its output. // Install it using: yarn add lighthouse-logger // const log = require('lighthouse-logger'); // log.setLevel('info');
/** * Launches a debugging instance of Chrome. * @param {boolean=} headless True (default) launches Chrome in headless mode. * False launches a full version of Chrome. * @return {Promise<ChromeLauncher>} */ functionlaunchChrome(headless=true) { return chromeLauncher.launch({ // port: 9222, // Uncomment to force a specific port of your choice. chromeFlags: [ '--window-size=412,732', '--disable-gpu', headless ? '--headless' : '' ] }); }
// Extract the DevTools protocol domains we need and enable them. // See API docs: const {Page} = protocol; awaitPage.enable();
// Extract the DevTools protocol domains we need and enable them. // See API docs: const {Page, Runtime} = protocol; awaitPromise.all([Page.enable(), Runtime.enable()]);
// Wait for window.onload before doing stuff. Page.loadEventFired(async () => { const js = "document.querySelector('title').textContent"; // Evaluate the JS expression in the page. const result = awaitRuntime.evaluate({expression: js});
console.log('Title of page: ' + result.result.value);
// This should be the path to your Canary installation. // I'm assuming Mac for the example. constPATH_TO_CANARY = '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary';
constdriver = new webdriver.Builder() .forBrowser('chrome') .withCapabilities(chromeCapabilities) .build();
// Navigate to, enter a search. driver.get(''); driver.findElement({name: 'q'}).sendKeys('webdriver'); driver.findElement({name: 'btnG'}).click(); driver.wait(webdriver.until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);
// Take screenshot of results page. Save to disk. driver.takeScreenshot().then(base64png => { fs.writeFileSync('screenshot.png', newBuffer(base64png, 'base64')); });
// This should be the path to your Canary installation. // I'm assuming Mac for the example. const PATH_TO_CANARY = '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary'; const PORT = 9515;
const title = await browser.getTitle(); console.log(`Title: ${title}`);
await browser.waitForText('.num-features', 3000); let numFeatures = await browser.getText('.num-features'); console.log(`Chrome has ${numFeatures} total features`);